Hello and welcome to the website of Dore Methodist Church

At Dore Methodist Church we aim to be

A place of Welcome

A place of Belonging

A place of Acceptance, Love and Forgiveness

A place of Community for the community.


As you look through our website we hope that you will discover that we have much to offer. There are a number of church organised activities, and each one has it's own page with helpful information. There are also activities organised by other groups in our building and these are also described on our site.

We hope that this information will be helpful to you, but don't hesitate to contact us if you want more details.


Wednesday 12th March
10:30am - 1:00pm -
Thursday 13th March
10:30am -
Sunday 16th March
10:30am -

Our Worship

Our weekly act of worship is on Sundays at 10-30 a.m.

Our style of worship is mainly traditional and is usually led by a Methodist Minister or a Local Preacher.

We enjoy singing led by an organ and we use "Singing the Faith" as our hymnbook.

Usually once a month we celebrate Holy Communion and for this we use gluten free bread and non alcoholic wine.

Our services usually last about an hour and afterwards there is the opportunity for further fellowship over a cup of tea/coffee in our hall.

We look forward to welcoming you at one of our services in the near future.




Midweek Holy Communion Services


Thursdays at 10-30 a.m.

Whilst major refurbishment work is carried out at Christ Church, Dore, our friends from that church will be using our church for their Thursday reflective Holy Communion Services. The services will be led, alternatively, by Rev Andy Patrick and Rev Di Williams. These services are open to all and we look forward to welcoming new comers.

Please use the front door on High Street for the service. As there are other groups meeting in our hall at the same time parking may not be possible in our car park.

Morning Prayers

Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesday 9-00 to 9-30 a.m.

(Term time only)

Led by friends from Christ Church - everyone welcome.



Our Activities and Outreach

Memory Cafe for those living with, or caring for someone suffering from dementia, meets on the first and third TUESDAY afternoon each month. This is organised and run by  Age UK Sheffield, with help from volunteers. For more information Click Here

Welcoming Space open to everyone each Wednesday from 10-30 a.m. to 1-00 p.m. An opportunity to come into a warm, friendly space, to meet with others to chat, play games or read newspapers. Coffee, tea, biscuits and a light lunch are available.

For more information Click Here

Tuesday Group  meets most months on the second TUESDAY at 2-30 p.m. It has a varied and interesting programme of speakers. Ladies of all ages are welcome.

For more information Click Here

"Made with Love" is the name of our sewing and knitting group who meet on the fourth TUESDAY at 2-00 p.m. It makes items to be given away to local charities including "Baby Basics" and "Sheffield Children's Hospital", using preloved or recycled materials.

For more information Click Here

Grace Food Bank - for a number of years we have supported the Grace Food Bank operating in the Lowedges area. We have a collection box for gifts of food in our hall and also operate a regular door-step collection from those church members who have agreed to donate items in this way.

For more information Click Here

Help for Ukraine - we support a local group "Helping our Ukrainian Friends". In particular we have a supply of greetings cards made by a local artist available for purchase.

We recently supported their Autumn Appeal for medical/toiletary items to take out to Ukraine during November/December. Click below to see the our support for this appeal.


For more information Click Here






Keeping in touch

We usually produce a "Weekly Update" of news and details of our activities and circulate this to most of our members by email. For those who do not have an email address , and for visitors, we produce a limited number of paper copies, available from our vestibule.


With the copies sent out by email we also include a copy of "The Vine Worship at Home Material". This also includes prayer points for each day of the coming week.

Click Here for copies of these on Our News page.

Our Latest News


On 16th March we welcome

David Green

to lead our worship.


On 23rd March 

Robert Keen

will lead our service.





 Our Welcoming Space meets in

the hall every Wednesday from

10-30 a.m. to 1-00 p.m.

Tea, coffee and a light

lunch is served.

A warm welcome to everyone.










Other local groups using our Hall.

Our hall is "home" for a number of other groups and organisations. These include:

Music Bugs - meet on Monday Mornings during term time.

Blue Octopus Pilates - meet on Monday lunchtimes/early afternoon.

Dore and Mercia Townswomen's Guild - meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday morning.

Dore Probus Club - meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday morning.

Art d'Or - meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday morning.

Dore Garden Club - meet monthly (Except January, February and December) on the third Wednesday evening. For more information Click Here


For information about hiring our hall for your meeting or for a party please Click Here


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