Our Support for Ukraine

For a number of months we have been supporting people in Ukraine by buying locally produced greeting cards.

In October we were asked if we could respond to an appeal to provide warm clothing and certain medical supplies for people living in  some of the towns and cities on the front line of the war in Ukraine. We appealed to our church members and other groups using our building and received a wonderful response to this appeal, as shown by the picture below.

These gifts were collected on 15th November and will be transported to Ukraine and distributed to people in need by the end of the month.

We thank everyone who contributed so generously to this appeal.


An appeal was made for medication, female health items, nappies, etc., to be taken to Ukraine at the end of May. Again church members and friends showed their generosity and a car full of goods was collected and handed over to the charity.



We are now  supporting the latest appeal for medication (paracetamol, multivitamins, etc) female health items, nappies, tooth paste, tooth brushes, soap, deodorant sticks, torches, batteries etc. There is a box for donated items in our Hall.


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